Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So yea....i am currently living in a foster home called coyote not a normal foster a home were kids that have got kicked out or moved from another home...they live at coyote hills....well i decided the other day that i hate it there i would rather be getting i did what any typical teenager would do....i ran me...hitch hiking = very scary but i did make it back to where i wanted to go which would be New Bloomfield M.O but yea so i made it there and visited old freinds none of them could belive i ran away....well little did i know one of my old freinds turned me in and the cops found now im back living at coyote hill...wich sux...i jsut want to go home...i miss it...and i will run again no one can stop me!

Live free
Stay strong

1 comment:

  1. im not sure i would hicth hike because i have a little brother but if any one would want to hurt him they would have to go through me most pple would laugh at that becsuse im tiny but ive had 3 yrs of karate training i know how to kill and my little brother is my baby even though its only 3 and a half years apart.. noone will hurt the onlyt immeadiate family member i have left i soo vow to that!!
