Friday, February 20, 2009


wow every teens day ^_^ Friday yay we get a break from the hell hole that we have to go 5/7 days of the week. it very cool i mean who doesn't love Fridays...and the good thing about you get to look forward to Saturdays!!! lol but i was looking back on my life and i realize what is wrong....i think I'm depressed....and a little pissed...i blame my dad for my life...if he wouldn't have commit ed suicide then i wouldn't be living my hell hole of a life..if you could even call it a life i h8 it so much...why can't i have a normal life...i mean it seems good at times then i realize wow my life sux...i mean even though i was getting beat at my mom's i still think it would be better then the place that I'm living in now... i hate it where I'm living...have you ever thought of suicide...i have many times...when i don't think i have anything worth living for i think wow...who would care if i where to die....i mean my mom hates me my dad's dead and none of my family wants me...every house i live in is a shit hole and end up throwing me out at some point any way...SO yea why don't i just end my life make everyone Else's a little better... i honestly think the only thing keeping me on this earth alive is Friends that actually understand me and the ones i love...expceily Leigh Ann..without her id be dead...i really hate life...why does it have to be this way... nobody should have to live like this...and no I'm not gonna commit suicide..i thought about it a long time ago but I'm not gonna kill myself...i just want to find a home...and get out of this mess im in
ill update blog later

Live free
Stay strong

1 comment:

  1. i thouht about suicide but wheneveri do i think about my little brother how could i do that to him? i would be the cruelest person in the world so the only reason i want to live is mainley e=because of him..and do they even have rock music in heaven? lol if i go to heaven i mean i havent done murder or anything but why not what else can god throw at me? sorry im suppose to be helping but im not very good at that as you can see..
