Tuesday, June 30, 2009

wow well guys here comes the truth

so ya long time no talk everyone except pebbels so yea good news first i guess...i get out of coyote hills soon in agust ill be living with an aunt of mine.....hopefully tht works out well if not well....it wouldnt be anythign diffrent in my life so yea....now tht u herd the good news
i orriginaly made this blog to express feeligns....i didnt ever imagine having followers on this blog or over thousand views...the blog was orriginally made for m to commit suicide
i needed ot get it out in the air wthout others knowing and if they did happen to find it tye would know about my life, and well i almsot commited suicide but....i found some one pebbles she saved my life i had many freinds...all of whom were great but i still didnt liek my life.....but with pebs i did like my lif...i loved life in fact jsut knowing that i coudl ta to her made my everyday great i thank pebs she saved my life she knows this as we have talked very much and have gotten in a strong relationship together guys....im thankful that i didnt kill myself and that you guys would have been witnesses to that im kool now....coyote hill isnt tht bad butit will be great leaving a new experience you know...liek when a ran away...jsut a strong feeling that you cant describe....lol kinda liek how i feel towards pebs....shes a strong feelign i cant describe but i love it very much.... well for now ill ttyl guys always
Live free
Stay strong


  1. u kno there are two things in life that can get u through it,friends and love. and there is one thing that makes the world go round(and no its not money^^),its hugs. remember...Freedom is Life. *hug* ^^

  2. nicely said lonleywolfpup, haa haa, I deffinatly agree with the hugs thing, sometimes thats all you need :)

  3. wel hello i didnt endup getting out of coyote hillz but this plceis turning outnicely

  4. Hey, I don't know if you ever go on here anymore... but if you do... I want you to know that I'm so glad to have helped you with everything... maybe we can blog to each other again...Anyway Topher, if you ever see this again I want you to know that I haven't forgotten about you and I probably never will. I don't mind if you forget me... just as long as I helped you out of that dark hole in your life I'm fine...
    --Pebbles... or now I'm AuthorOfTomorrow216
    P.S. Just thinking, this world really is small... who knows? Maybe we'll meet somewhere again someday... We might even go to college together... What a surprise that would be...Untill that day, Bye Topher.

  5. I have a feeling that you never go on here anymore, but today, I was listening to Pillar, a band that you showed me. And I just want to say that I hope someday we'll meet again.

    I was going to make my comment before this my last comment on your blog, but I can't stop thinking about you sometimes. I wonder if you're still alive, and I wonder if you have a happy life, I wonder what you're doing now since we're both nineteen by now. I wonder if you've found any new exciting bands. I wonder if one day we'll meet again. I wonder if one day you'll check this blog and see this comment, and the one before. I wonder if I'm writing this comment to no one. Even if I never hear from you again, Topher, I want you to know that whenever you're feeling down, because I know that happens even to the best of us; whenever you're feeling like the weight of the world rests on your shoulders alone, that you have someone that cares about you and thinks about you and will be glad to share that huge weight the world put on you. You are NEVER alone, so don't give up on anything you do because I will be behind you. You were the first friend I had met that felt what I felt, and I will never forget that, and I hope that maybe, someday, you'll remember me.


